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    Home Parrot drones Lot2 For Parrot Bebop 2 Drone Quadcopter Replacement

    Lot2 For Parrot Bebop 2 Drone Quadcopter Replacement

    SKU: 272374655925 Category:




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    Lot2 For Parrot Bebop 2 Drone Quadcopter Replacement Lipo Battery 3100mAh 11.1V
    SKU: BSPC27GLot2

    This 3100mAh high capacity upgrade battery pack is specially designed for Parrot Bebop Drone 2. The pack capacity can arrive to 3100mAh, which can ensure you fluent remote airplane flying. We are dedicated to providing you with high quality products for years. Our products are offered with excellent quality, beautiful facade, delicate design artwork, safe package, competitive price and delivery on time.

    1. High quality lipo rechargeable battery
    2. Light weight and portable, convenient to use
    3. Fine workmanship and beautiful appearance
    4. Ideal partner for your parrot bebop
    5. Provides better protection for you

    Voltage: 11.1V
    Capacity: 3100 mAh
    Condition: Brand New Replacement Product, works as Genuine parts, 100% OEM Compatible!!
    Package Included
    2 x 3100mAh Battery
    4 x Battery label ( 2 white and 2 red )

    »» We ship to US ONLY.
    »» Items are usually shipped 1 business days after payment has been received. We do not ship on weekends and holidays.
    »» Sellers are not responsible for service transit time. Transit times are provided by the carrier, exclude weekends and holidays, and may vary with package origin and destination, particularly during peak periods.

    ◆Return Policy

    »» We guarantee against any defective or misrepresented products. The original shipping label must be sent back to us to validate the return. A full refund can only be issued during the first 30 days upon receipt of the product.
    »» All returned products (Replacements or Refund) need to be assigned a RMA # (Return Merchandise Authorization #) prior to return. Any returned product without a RMA # on package will not be accepted or processed.
    »» To obtain a RMA #, please contact us through eBay’s messaging system with your eBay user ID, eBay item ID #, and a brief description about your item condition and/or service requested. We will work on resolving your particular case ASAP.
    »» Returns will be voided if the product is mishandled or physical damaged by customer.
    »» All non-defective, undamaged products are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Shipping and handling fees are absolutely non-refundable.
    »» We are not responsible for wrong or undeliverable address. We reserve the right to charge the shipping fee again for returned items due to wrong address.


    »» We appreciate your feedback and our system will automatically leave feedback for you after bid ends.
    »» We have always been trying our best to provide the best service and reliable products for every customer. Please contact us via eBay message to resolve the issue before leaving negative feedback. We will answer all emails as quickly as possible.


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