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    Home Parrot drones 2Pcs New For Parrot Bebop 2 RC Drone Spare Battery 3S

    2Pcs New For Parrot Bebop 2 RC Drone Spare Battery 3S

    SKU: 352361409607 Category:




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    2Pcs New For Parrot Bebop 2 RC Drone Spare Battery 3S 11.1V Lipo Upgrade Battery

    ☛ Item Specification
    Voltage: 11.1V
    Capacity: 3100 mAh
    Condition: Brand New Replacement Product, works as Genuine parts, 100% OEM Compatible!!
    SKU#: B*SPC*27*G*Lot2
    ☛ Replace Part Numbers
    Parrot Bebop Drone 2
    ☛ Package Included
    2 x 3100mAh Battery
    4 x Battery label ( two white and two red )

    • Items are usually shipped out within 24 hours during the business days after payment has been received.
    • Sellers are not responsible for service transit time. Transit time is provided by the carrier.

     Return Policy

    • We guarantee against any defective or misrepresented products. The original shipping label must be sent back to us to validate the return. A full refund can only be issued during the first 30 days upon receipt of the product.
    • Returns will be voided if the product is mishandled or physical damaged by customer.
    • Buyer will be responsible for all kind of return shipping/shipment to the seller for resolving the problem.
    • Returns made for all non-defective, undamaged products are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Shipping and handling fees are absolutely non-refundable. If an item is returned to us due to an address issue, we do charge a reshipping fee to reship. If you would like a refund, there will be a 15% restocking fee applied.
    • All returned products (Replacements or Refund) need to be assigned an RMA # (Return Merchandise Authorization #) prior to return. Please contact us through eBay’s messaging system to obtain an RMA# for the return. Any returned product without an RMA # on package will not be accepted or processed.
    • Please contact us before returning.


    • We appreciate your feedback and our system will automatically leave feedback for you after bid ends.
    • Please contact us through ebay message center if you have any problems, we will always try our best for 100% customer satisfaction.


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