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    Home Hubsan Drones Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH Mini RC Quadcopter with LED

    Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH Mini RC Quadcopter with LED

    SKU: 163708695714 Category:



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    Features:100% brand new and high qualityDurable one piece main framePrecision 6 axis gyroReady to Fly4 channel 2.4Ghz controlHigh capacity LiPO battery4 channel 2.4Ghz controlDurable one piece main frameDirect from Atomik RC – the palm sized Hubsan X4 Mini RTF RC QuadcopterExcellent features including full 4 channel 2.4Ghz control, powerful coreless motors, high capacity LiPO battery and stunt modeThis quad is suitable for indoor and outdoor flight thanks to the ultra stable 6-axis flight control system with adjustable gyro sensitivityThe LiPO battery is charged via USB with the included USB chargerSpecification:Condition: brand newColor: BlackMotor Type: Micro CorelessBatteries: Included: 1S 240mAh 3.7V LiPOCharger: USBRadio: Included: 2.4Ghz 4 ChannelFuel …

    Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH Mini RC Quadcopter with LED Lights RTF Toys Drone

    100% brand new and high quality
    Durable one piece main frame
    Precision 6 axis gyro
    Ready to Fly
    4 channel 2.4Ghz control
    High capacity LiPO battery
    4 channel 2.4Ghz control
    Durable one piece main frame
    Direct from Atomik RC – the palm sized Hubsan X4 Mini RTF RC Quadcopter
    Excellent features including full 4 channel 2.4Ghz control, powerful coreless motors, high capacity LiPO battery and stunt mode
    This quad is suitable for indoor and outdoor flight thanks to the ultra stable 6-axis flight control system with adjustable gyro sensitivity
    The LiPO battery is charged via USB with the included USB charger

    Condition: brand new
    Color: Black
    Motor Type: Micro Coreless
    Batteries: Included: 1S 240mAh 3.7V LiPO
    Charger: USB
    Radio: Included: 2.4Ghz 4 Channel
    Fuel Source: Electric
    Length: 2.4 in (60mm)
    Width/Diameter: 2.4 in (60mm)
    Weight: 463g

    Package Content:
    1x Hubsan X4 H107L Quadcopter
    1x 2.4Ghz 4-channel remote with built-in LCD display
    1x USB Charger
    4x Spare Blades (2 front, 2 rear)
    1x LiPo Battery
    1x User Manual  

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    Item Specifics
    Model : H107L
    Country/Region of Manufacture : United States
    Model Grade : Hobby Grade
    Material : Plastic
    Bundle Listing : No
    Motor : Coreless Motor
    age : 14+
    Battery Voltage : 3.7V
    Size : 2.3*2.3 Inch
    Type : Quadcopter
    Frequrency : 2.4Ghz
    Charge Time : 30min
    Flight Time : 9 Min
    Features : Low Battery Alarm
    Charger : USB Charger
    Color : Black
    Required Assembly : Ready to Go/RTR/RTF (All included)
    MPN : H107L
    Channel : 4CH
    Transmission : 2.4Ghz
    Maximum Control Range : 100ft. (30m)
    Fuel Type : Electric
    Brand : Hubsan
    UPC : Does not apply



    1. We accept PayPal only.
    2. Payment must be received within 3 Days from the date of purchase.
    3. Please leave note in PayPal when making the payment if you have any special request (colors/size).
    4. Orders will be processed instantly and dispatched in same day normally, so we do NOT accept any Email/Message note before or after you place orders.



    • Item will be shipped from USA .

    • Your item will be dispatched within 24hours(except weekend and holiday)after full payment is received

    • We will ship your item with USP


        Return Policy:

    1. We offer 14 days return policy. Please contact us within 14 days t from the date you receive your order if you have any issues with the product and would like to return.
    2. All returned items MUST BE in the original packaging and you MUST PROVIDE us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return, and your eBay ID .
    3. We will refund YOUR FULL WINNING BID AMOUNT, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER BOTH Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from eBay. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.
    4. Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost.
    Customer Services

           Customer Services:


    1. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our service specialists 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week.We will reply you ASAP. If no response within 24 Hours, please check the spam in your mail box.
    2. We greatly appreciate your POSITIVE feedback. Please do NOT leave negative feedback without asking for help.
    3. Our aim is to provide Top Level Customer Service, normally so we will try our best to solve any problem.
    4. Please DON'T leave negative or neutral feedback if you haven't received item in 30 days, because we have mentioned the shipping time repeatedly.

    Help & Info
    Payment Policy
    Shipping Policy
    Return Policy
    About Us

    .product_photo_need_hide div img{margin-top: 2px;}

    Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH Mini RC Quadcopter with LED Lights RTF Toys Drone

    100% brand new and high quality
    Durable one piece main frame
    Precision 6 axis gyro
    Ready to Fly
    4 channel 2.4Ghz control
    High capacity LiPO battery
    4 channel 2.4Ghz control
    Durable one piece main frame
    Direct from Atomik RC – the palm sized Hubsan X4 Mini RTF RC Quadcopter
    Excellent features including full 4 channel 2.4Ghz control, powerful coreless motors, high capacity LiPO battery and stunt mode
    This quad is suitable for indoor and outdoor flight thanks to the ultra stable 6-axis flight control system with adjustable gyro sensitivity
    The LiPO battery is charged via USB with the included USB charger

    Condition: brand new
    Color: Black
    Motor Type: Micro Coreless
    Batteries: Included: 1S 240mAh 3.7V LiPO
    Charger: USB
    Radio: Included: 2.4Ghz 4 Channel
    Fuel Source: Electric
    Length: 2.4 in (60mm)
    Width/Diameter: 2.4 in (60mm)
    Weight: 463g

    Package Content:
    1x Hubsan X4 H107L Quadcopter
    1x 2.4Ghz 4-channel remote with built-in LCD display
    1x USB Charger
    4x Spare Blades (2 front, 2 rear)
    1x LiPo Battery
    1x User Manual  

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    table#Attrid303628 td{padding:12px;border:1px solid #cccccc;}

    Item Specifics
    Model : H107L
    Country/Region of Manufacture : United States
    Model Grade : Hobby Grade
    Material : Plastic
    Bundle Listing : No
    Motor : Coreless Motor
    age : 14+
    Battery Voltage : 3.7V
    Size : 2.3*2.3 Inch
    Type : Quadcopter
    Frequrency : 2.4Ghz
    Charge Time : 30min
    Flight Time : 9 Min
    Features : Low Battery Alarm
    Charger : USB Charger
    Color : Black
    Required Assembly : Ready to Go/RTR/RTF (All included)
    MPN : H107L
    Channel : 4CH
    Transmission : 2.4Ghz
    Maximum Control Range : 100ft. (30m)
    Fuel Type : Electric
    Brand : Hubsan



    1. We accept PayPal only.
    2. Payment must be received within 3 Days from the date of purchase.
    3. Please leave note in PayPal when making the payment if you have any special request (colors/size).
    4. Orders will be processed instantly and dispatched in same day normally, so we do NOT accept any Email/Message note before or after you place orders.




    • Item will be shipped from USA .

    • Your item will be dispatched within 24hours(except weekend and holiday)after full payment is received

    • We will ship your item with USP


        Return Policy:

    1. We offer 14 days return policy. Please contact us within 14 days t from the date you receive your order if you have any issues with the product and would like to return.
    2. All returned items MUST BE in the original packaging and you MUST PROVIDE us with the shipping tracking number, specific reason for the return, and your eBay ID .
    3. We will refund YOUR FULL WINNING BID AMOUNT, upon receipt of the item in its original condition and packaging with all components and accessories included, AFTER BOTH Buyer and Seller cancel the transaction from eBay. OR, you may choose to have a replacement.
    4. Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost.

    Customer Services

           Customer Services:


    1. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our service specialists 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week.We will reply you ASAP. If no response within 24 Hours, please check the spam in your mail box.
    2. We greatly appreciate your POSITIVE feedback. Please do NOT leave negative feedback without asking for help.
    3. Our aim is to provide Top Level Customer Service, normally so we will try our best to solve any problem.
    4. Please DON'T leave negative or neutral feedback if you haven't received item in 30 days, because we have mentioned the shipping time repeatedly.

    Copyright of XXXX. All rights reserved.


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